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Eating Healthy – Tips for Success

Eating Healthy – Tips for Success

In addiction treatment, it is important to focus on health—which starts with eating the right foods to nourish your recovery. Our body need the right nourishment in order to facilitate the ongoing healing processes of recovery. Our foundation begins with food, and when we pay attention to the foods we are eating, we are able to pinpoint those which serve us healthfully and those which do not.

As the body recovers from addiction, it experiences a whole range of physical effects. Food is one of the most powerful resources we have to fuel our bodies appropriately. Swapping habitual comfort foods for smarter snacks creates long-term habits that are synonymous with your recovery and the progress that you are making in your health and well-being.

Whether you enjoy cooking or are a less-adventurous eater, establishing a routine is key. When you have firm times set up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you create the path to better sleep, better digestion, and overall better moods. Establish a routine that corresponds with your schedule, and make it a point to stick to it.